
We provide a confidential service to our patients, including students and young people aged under 16. As a general rule, we won’t tell anyone about your visitREMEMBER: Your consent to share personal medical information is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw, update or amend your consent at any time.  or pass on the information you tell us to your friends or family, unless you give us your permission to do so.

This means that if you ask someone else to speak to a doctor on your behalf, that doctor will not be able to pass on information about you unless we have evidence that you have given your permission.

We will share relevant information about your health with other professionals and staff members in the health service for the purposes of providing your care and investigating any problems or complaints. These professionals and staff members have a legal duty to protect your confidentiality.


Although our doctors and nurses will not tell you any personal information about your friends or family members without their permission, you are encouraged to tell us if you have concerns about a friend or family member’s wellbeing or safety.

In some circumstances, we may have to share information about you without your permission, although this is very rare:

  • We might have to pass on information if we believe you or someone else are at risk of serious harm (e.g. if you are seriously considering harming yourself or another person)
  • There are rare occasions where the law requires us to report certain information to the proper authorities (e.g. for the prevention of terrorism or female genital mutilation).

These instances are rare and on the whole you can be reassured that your conversations with your doctor or nurse will be private.

Confidentiality waiver

Often it is easier for you to have a friend or family member contact yout GP and discuss medical problems on your behalf. Your medical notes are strictly confidential and we cannot do this unless we have your permission which involves written consent. If you would like to grant permission, please download, complete and return the form below. The patient must personally confirm their intention by signing the form in person in the practice.  If this is not possible please contact the practice
REMEMBER: Your consent to share personal medical information is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw, update or amend your consent at any time. 
Confidentilaity Waiver