ASD and Autism assessment referrals

Please read this infomation carefully if you are considering trying to arrange an assessment for possible autism or ASD

The first step is to complete the AQ10 questionaire  at the bottom of this page and return to the surgery.  We will then review your form and contact you regarding next steps.
If you meet the criteria we will ask you to book an appointment with a GP to discuss.

If you meet the criteria and following a consultation with our team decide to proceed with a referral you will need to exercise your right to be referred under “NHS Right to Choose legislation” . This is because currently the Oxfordshire Autism service is closed to new referrals due to overwhelming demand.  There are a number of providers under Right to Choose.  The policies and processes vary slightly between providers.  You are likely to be asked to complete the provider’s own questionnaires.   The provider will also ask the GP to either provide a covering letter or complete a form.  When we have collected all the paperwork the surgery will send the referral to your chosen provider. This website, whilst primarily about ADHD, also has information about Right to Choose Providers offering ASD and Autism assessments.

Please be aware you cannot use Right to Choose if you are:

  • already receiving mental health care following an elective referral for the same condition
  • referred to a service that is commissioned by a local authority, for example a drug and alcohol service (unless commissioned under a Section 75 agreement)
  • accessing urgent or emergency (crisis) care
  • accessing services delivered through a primary care contract
  • detained in a secure setting. This includes people in or on temporary release from prisons, courts, secure children’s homes, certain secure training centres, immigration removal centres or young offender institutions
  • serving as a member of the armed forces (family members in England have the same rights as other residents of England).

There are also restrictions on who a patient can direct their care to. The provider must:

  • a commissioning contract with any Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or NHS England for the required service
  • have the service and team led by a consultant or a mental healthcare professional

If you wish to begin the process the next step is to fill out this form and return to our secretary by email to